New Philadelphia Ohio CPA | Full Service 公司 | 意图 CPA-世界杯滚球app

Your One-Stop-Shop for All Your Business Needs

位于Tuscarawas河上,位于77号州际公路旁, New Philadelphia a city full of history, 生活, and family fun. After the construction of the Ohio-Erie Canal in the early 1800s, New Philadelphia came alive as a hub for agricultural products, 煤炭开采, 后来, steel and 制造业. New Philadelphia was also home to Ohio’s 50th Governor, Alvin V. Donahey, and was frequently visited by the U.S.’s 25th President, William McKinley. 新费城对我们雷氏家族来说也是一个具有历史意义的城市.  Back in 1938, 意图 & 世界杯比赛竞猜app established its roots in New Philadelphia. Today, the office still stands as a testament to Richard 意图’s vision. As the largest of the firm’s Ohio-based offices, 意图的新费城办事处为整个Tuscarawas的个人和商业客户提供全方位的金融和咨询服务, 斯塔克, 卡罗尔, 哈里森, Columbiana, Jefferson and Coshocton counties. New Philadelphia is also home to the firm’s corporate headquarters and administrative building, located just blocks away. The next time you are in the area, 停止了 我们将很高兴地告诉你为什么新费城将永远是雷亚的大本营 & 世界杯比赛竞猜app.
Location Details
122 Fourth Street NW
P.O. 1020箱
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663-5120
Fax: (330) 339-4837

俄亥俄州的企业主、非营利组织领导人和政府领导人都信任雷亚 & 世界杯比赛竞猜app with their accounting, 保证, 税, 并提供数十年的一般商业咨询和管理咨询服务. We are committed.


在雷亚,你可以期待与一个经验丰富的专业团队一起工作——他们中的许多人已经用了几十年的时间来完善他们的技能. 我们新费城队的大部分成员都是注册会计师, many carry multiple credentials, 从认证的遗产规划专业人士到QuickBooks专业顾问.


当涉及到专业咨询服务时,一种方式并不适合所有人. 你需要知道你的注册会计师和商业顾问知道你面临的具体挑战. 我们的意图团队成员经常直接与企业所有者及其经理合作, overcoming challenges, identifying opportunities and promoting growth.


俄亥俄州的企业主、非营利组织领导人和政府领导人都信任雷亚 & 世界杯比赛竞猜app with their accounting, 保证, 税, 并提供数十年的一般商业咨询和管理咨询服务. We are committed.


在雷亚,你可以期待与一个经验丰富的专业团队一起工作——他们中的许多人已经用了几十年的时间来完善他们的技能. 我们新费城队的大部分成员都是注册会计师, many carry multiple credentials, 从认证的遗产规划专业人士到QuickBooks专业顾问.


当涉及到专业咨询服务时,一种方式并不适合所有人. 你需要知道你的注册会计师和商业顾问知道你面临的具体挑战. 我们的意图团队成员经常直接与企业所有者及其经理合作, overcoming challenges, identifying opportunities and promoting growth.

会计 & Tax Expertise You Need. Value-Added 服务 Your Business Deserves.

意图 & 联合会计师事务所不仅仅是一家传统的注册会计师事务所. 我们的顾问致力于为客户提供组织各方面的解决方案. 确定, 我们可以为您的后台部门提供会计和簿记服务,甚至管理您公司的退休计划. But we can also protect your business from compliance issues, bad actors online, and regulatory bodies, 同时提供继任规划和个人财务规划服务.

You need reliable information to make business decisions, drive continuous growth, plan for the future and manage your organization's overall strategy. From the Philadelphia, 俄亥俄州的办公室, 我们的会计专业人员和客户服务专家为俄亥俄州中部地区的中小型企业提供一系列后台功能,如工资, QuickBooks咨询和财务报表的编制和分析. Find out more about our accounting services.
实施定制的退休计划设计和专家管理服务将帮助您定位您的企业走向成功. 这也会提高员工的保留率,让你的公司在潜在的求职者中脱颖而出. 意图 & 安联的退休计划服务团队被广泛认为是业内最好的. 意图 & 合伙人对客户服务的奉献为他们赢得了美国养老金专业人士协会的会员资格 & 精算师卓越受托人中心(CEFEX ASPPA)卓越服务提供者认证. 我们可以提供ERISA的专家计划设计和监督,以及卓越的受托人. Learn more about our retirement services.
跟上雇佣法和法律的变化是很有挑战性的, especially in the case of an HR department that is one party or fewer. 意图 & 联营公司的人力资源专业人员将与您一起制定个人计划,并具有灵活性, 战略, and will help you meet your compliance responsibilities. It will also protect your business against future legal consequences. Your most important asset is your staff. 意图 & 联合世界杯滚球app团队可以帮助您实施旨在帮助员工的计划和工具, reduce risk and increase compliance. 感兴趣? Learn more about our HR services.
The audit and 保证 department at 意图 & 合伙人总是在你的财务问题成为你的业务问题之前留意你的财务问题. This makes your 意图 auditor a key part of your advisory group. You can rest assured knowing 意图 & 联营的专业服务专家致力于您的安全与保障. 感兴趣? Find out more about audit services.
你已经投入了你的生命来建立你的事业,并努力增加它的价值, but what will you do when it's time to begin a new journey? 意图 & 联信的估值和交易咨询服务团队可以帮助您确保您从业务中获得最大收益. Find out more about how we can help you.
Cybercriminals continue to wage war against local nonprofits, local businesses or 政府 agencies as well as other organizations, 各种尺寸的. If these issues aren't addressed in a timely manner, they could cause significant harm to your business, and even your livelihood. 意图 & 世界杯比赛竞猜app的网络安全和数据保护服务团队致力于为企业主提供服务, across the Ohio community, 拥有保护其网络上敏感数据所需的资源. 我们熟练的网络安全专家可以提供广泛的服务, such as policy formulation, management information mapping, SOC/NOC咨询服务,包括漏洞和渗透测试和信息发现, CMMC指导, 和更多的. Learn how we can help protect you.
各州正在提高对欠他们销售税或使用税的公司的警惕. 意图 & 联营公司的地方和州税务(SALT)专家团队随时为您提供帮助. 通过向组织提供一系列服务,如分配和分配审查, 税 compliance for sales and uses and reviews, 税 credits and incentives as well as nexus studies, disclosure services, and much many more 和更多的, SALT团队可以帮助您遵守各州之间存在显著差异的各种税收法规和法规. Learn more about how the SALT team can help you.
税收不应该是你在一个日历年里只关心一次的事情. 它们应该是一个持续的战略驱动过程,并得到经验丰富的注册会计师和税务专家的见解的支持. If you think about the federal 税 system from a high-level view, 您将能够做出更好的商业决策,并实现您的遗产规划目标. You will also be able to save more money. The 税 specialists at 意图 & 世界杯比赛竞猜app continue to be regarded for their attention to detail, as well as their vast experience, technical expertise, and exceptional client service. Find out more about our federal 税 team. Find out more about our federal 税 team.
Alongside the services and business solutions outlined above, 意图 & 世界杯比赛竞猜app specializes in working with companies across the nonprofit, 技术, 制造业, 政府, construction as well as healthcare, veterinary and professional service sectors. We realize that every business is unique. 这就是为什么我们提供该领域的专业人士,他们是经过认证的专业协会成员. 我们决心与您的具体实体所面临的挑战保持同步,并将努力提供创新的解决方案,从而取得成果和可持续的成就. Click here to learn more about the sectors we serve.
联系 A New Philadelphia CPA Today

The service specialists and industry experts at 意图 & 世界杯比赛竞猜app have helped clients throughout Ohio with their accounting, 审计, 税, and business management challenges for decades. 如果您想了解更多有关该公司新费城团队可以提供的广泛合规服务和业务解决方案的信息, contact us today!
